2024-12-13 08:00:01 UTC
PermalinkThe woman at the center of the Duke University lacrosse
rape case has finally admitted she lied when she accused
three young men of sexual assault in 2006.
Crystal Mangum, from Durham, North Carolina, came under
the spotlight in 2006 when she accused the trio of gang
raping her during a party where she was hired as a stripper.
The 46-year-old mother-of-three is currently in prison
after being convicted of second-degree murder for stabbing
her boyfriend with a kitchen knife in 2011.
It was from prison where she spoke to Let's Talk with
Kat, an independent content creator who released an
interview with her Thursday.
There, Mangum admitted that she'd made the entire thing up.
'I testified falsely against them by saying that they raped
me when they didn't and that was wrong, and I betrayed
the trust of a lot of other people who believed in me,'
she said.
. . .
For those with very short memories, this was kind of
a BIG DEAL in 2006 ... and heavily exploited by the
'black' racists and MSM and agiprop masters.
This case had the same bad smell as the infamous
'abusing native American' DC case in 2019 which
was ultimately, after much damage, proven to
be total bullshit.
Racist militants exist on every side. It became very
fashionable to scream "Racism !", esp when 'white'
people were involved.