2024-12-05 21:23:50 UTC
Permalinkoff the northern Cal coast - roughly at the level of
Eureka. It was a relatively shallow quake (10km) and
maybe 100 miles offshore.
As a result tsunami warnings were immediately issued.
However, something about this particular quake, it did
not seem to create much or any water displacement. The
potential was there, but the sea-bed didn't shift.
The infamous Japan quake caused a large shelf of the
sea bottom to abruptly rise 5-15 meters which caused
a huge bulge of water to be created.
It is reported in various news sources that SOME
physical damage was done near the coast just from
the shaking.
THIS time Cal got away with it. Won't always be thus.
Geologists have found signs of huge tsunamis all up
and down the US west coast, big enough to swallow
SanFran or most of LA. The entire area is unstable,
a ticking bomb, and humans - as typical - live on
happily in denial.
(and wonder why they can't get insurance any more)